Wednesday, February 2, 2011

UGH!!! up down up down

Well, I was down to 183! So close to 170's I could taste it then I started 'tracking' my food on the lose it application on my phone and having the knowledge of how many calories I had 'left' for the rest of the day caused me to start overeating again. This morning I was 185.8 not where I want to be but I am going to kick my butt back into the routine! I have been doing Zumba (would love to do it more) and it is the BEST workout ever!!! Going to school full-time, full-time mom and babysitter and trying to loose weight is a huge battle but I am GOING to LOOSE this weight!!! My goal it the 150's or 143ish. It can be done just need to keep the head on straight! Wish me luck!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

So close, yet so far

April 20, 2010 my battle began. After two kids my weight had crept up to 214. Not too happy with the number on the scale I began to do something I HATE... RUNNING. I started small at first. I would walk a while then jog a while til I mad it almost around Lake Sacajawea then head back to the car to go home. A few days a week I made my way around that darn lake each day jogging more than walking and trying each day to go further than the day before. At first the weight was melting off. Then it stopped. My mother-in-law came up with the idea of doing a weight loss challenge about the same time I stopped loosing so I decided to give it a try.

June 6, 2010 I was down to 206.2. At first the combination of running and watching what I was eating help the weight drop again. 2 pound here 2 pounds there, I was doing good. Then we would go somewhere and out of my daily routine I would barely loose anything and get frustrated. This is when I started eating cheerios for breakfast and lean cuisines for lunch and dinner. Being as strick with my food intake as I could I would loose again.

September 4, 2010 I was down to 190.2 and done with the 12 week weight loss challenge. My team Won but now back off my routine I am up 4 pounds... time to switch it up again! So here I am blogging. Putting it all out there for the blogging world to see. I hope that by putting this out there I will hold myself more accountable. I guess blogging is just a public way of writting in your diary in a way so here goes the next step of my journey. Wish me luck!